Causes, Signs, and Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy

It is a non-progressive neuromuscular condition that causes mild to severe disability for the duration of lifeștiisștiiștii. This syndrome manifests as a cluster of persistent, qualitative motor impairments that arise in early children as a result of intrapartum brain injury or intrauterine pathology.

Multiple, although not progressively worsening, neurological issues are present. Approximately 2 out of every 100 births are affected. This disease is not genetically transmitted.

Cerebral Palsy causes:

  1. Trauma to the brain during childbirth
  2. As a consequence of forceps delivery complications
  3. oxygen deficiency in the fetus during birth
  4. During childbirth, infections can occur.

Cerebral palsy symptoms and signs:

The signs and symptoms may not be identical in all affected infants. Depending on the severity of the brain damage, modest to severe lesions may be present.

Modest cases: 20% of youngsters will experience mild impairment.

Instances with intermediate disability account for 50% of all cases. Due to their decreased mobility, the affected youngsters must rely on their own assistance.

In severe situations, over 30 percent of affected youngsters are bedridden and completely unable to care for themselves.

Abnormal Observations Regarding Cerebral Palsy:

  1. Reflexes of newborn infants that are not normal
  2. Stiffness of all muscles accompanied by uncomfortable movement
  3. Extension of extremities during infant suspension in a vertical position
  4. Spasm of the adductor muscles of the thigh causes scissoring of the lower limbs.
  5. In extreme situations, the back curves backwards and arches.
  6. Possibility of having complete or partial paralysis
  7. halting of neurological and behavioral growth
  8. In rare circumstances, swallowing may be challenging.
  9. salivating profusely
  10. Mental retardation ranging from mild to severe
  11. In certain circumstances, abnormal motions are observed.
  12. tremors with normal motion
  13. If the cerebellum is injured, there will be a loss of muscular tone and walking would be difficult.
  14. Complete or partial hearing impairment
  15. Speech is susceptible to impairment
  16. Possible association between squinting and other visual issues
  17. Some children may experience convulsions.

Cerebral palsy is diagnosed with a comprehensive clinical examination and the exclusion of other comparable conditions, such as brain tumors, progressive atrophy, etc. To rule out other disorders, all examinations, including CT scan, MRI, and routine investigations, are necessary.

Control of Cerebral Palsy

Administrative duties:

Included in this are healthy nourishment and personal care. Reduce convulsions and muscle stiffness with symptomatic medications. Diazepam decreases spasticity and athetosis. Sodium dantrolene helps relax skeletal muscles.


In this case, massage, exercise, hydrotherapy, etc., are required. Specialized instruction is provided to train walking, swallowing, and speaking. The affected children are also taught how to grip objects for normal tasks.


These children should be offered emotional and social support. They should be sent to special schools where specialized instruction can be administered by trained personnel. Children with intellectual disability require specialized education. Depending on the disability, unique instruments and machinery are provided for mobility and to help with daily chores.

Occupational therapy comprises the following:

Occupational therapists administer this. They instruct the disabled in acceptable occupations so that they may generate their own money.

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