Four diseases that can be contracted from swimming pools

Enjoy swimming? You must read this.

Swimming is not only a terrific way to escape the heat of the summer, but also an excellent aquatic workout. It burns a tremendous amount of calories, tones your muscles, and maintains your heart healthy. But before anything else, you must check that the water you intend to swim in is clean. It is a fallacy to believe that chlorinated pool water is germ-free and completely sterile. Before entering the pool, you should be aware of the following four diseases:

Sauna rash

Despite the fact that saunas and heated pools are the finest ways to detox after a stressful day, if you are reading this, you may want to reconsider your decision. Certain microorganisms present in heated pools and hot springs have the potential to create a severe, itchy rash on the skin. This condition is also known as a hot tub rash because germs become more active when exposed to hot water. The bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginoa are responsible for the transmission of this ailment, which primarily occurs in pools that are cleaned infrequently or are polluted. The longer you remain in the chlorinated pool, the greater your exposure time. These rashes can also develop as unpleasant, frequently itchy, pus-filled blisters that last between 5 and 10 days.

Swimming ear

It is typical for water to enter our ear and nasal cavities while we swim. While this is transitory and resolves on its own, a terrible disease can develop when water becomes trapped in the tube or ear canal, allowing bacteria and certain types of fungi to proliferate. While these bacterial infections often resolve on their own, they can cause severe swelling, discomfort, and itching. It is also more prevalent among children than adults. Taking measures while swimming is therefore essential. Additionally, you can clean and dry your ears following a swim session using a towel or a low-heat air dryer.


Diarrhea is not merely a stomach ailment that occurs after a bad meal. Even taking a dip in the water exposes you to the possibility of contracting a severe case of diarrhea. The same microorganisms that cause cholera and diarrhea might contaminate the pool and harm your health. Take note if you want to read something terrifying. Even a small amount of water from the pool is sufficient to infect you. The pool can also become contaminated with disease-causing microorganisms such as E. coli, Shigella, cryptosporidium, and norovirus if someone with diarrhea (even within the past two weeks) joins the pool. The pathogens can survive up to five days! This can become contagious and linger for two to three weeks, often becoming fatal.

Respiratory difficulties

For persons with breathing diseases and pulmonary concerns, it goes without saying that safety and cleanliness in the swimming pool are of the utmost significance. Certain microorganisms, such as the bacterium Legionella, can infest or accumulate in the nooks and crannies of a moderately contaminated swimming pool and even disperse with the steam or mist. This substance is very easy to swallow and can cause breathing difficulties. People over the age of 50, small children and pregnant women, as well as those with chronic infections and a weakened immune system, should exercise extra caution around this, as such infectious diseases can also be lethal. Consult a physician immediately if you believe you have been exposed.

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