How to increase your metabolism to lose weight more quickly

The function of metabolism in weight reduction

Metabolism is the rate at which a person’s body converts food into energy. This depends on a number of variables, including age, gender, heredity, body fat, muscle mass, and exercise level. If you have a high metabolism, you will burn more calories at rest and during activity. Here are five lifestyle adjustments that will crank up your fat-burning furnace, allowing you to attain your weight loss objectives more quickly.

High intensity exercise

High-intensity exercise keeps your metabolism and fat-burning rate boosted for hours, beyond the duration of your workout. Try a more rigorous session at the gym or incorporate brief bursts of jogging into your normal stroll to reap the benefits. In addition to HIIT, running, swimming, and cycling, you can also try out other forms of exercise. Alternating intervals of intense and moderate exercise is also good for boosting your metabolism.


Water is essential for a healthy metabolism. In one study, adding 1.5 liters of water to the daily water intake of a group of overweight 18–23-year-old women decreased their average weight and body mass index. Even minor dehydration can cause your metabolism to slow down.

Adults who consumed eight or more glasses of water per day burnt more calories than those who consumed four. Before each meal and snack, drink a glass of water to maintain hydration. Also, include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, as they contain water naturally.

Healthy snacking

Eating at regular intervals promotes metabolic equilibrium. Having a little meal or snack every three to four hours keeps your metabolism revved up, allowing you to burn more calories each day. Multiple studies have demonstrated that snackers consume less food at meals. In contrast, if a person consumes a large amount of food at once and then goes for long periods without eating, their body may burn fewer calories and store more fat cells.

Consume green tea

Despite the lack of clear evidence, some study suggests that green tea extract may play a role in boosting the metabolism and reducing fat. According to research, consuming two to four cups of green tea may increase calorie expenditure by 17 percent after moderately strenuous activity. It is unquestionably preferable than drinking sugary juices and increases your daily water consumption.

Well-rested physique

Insomnia is associated with a substantial increase in the risk of obesity. This may be partially attributable to the metabolic effects of sleep deprivation. Insomnia is also associated with elevated blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, which increases the chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

Many sleep-deprived individuals feel hungry and struggle to shed weight. This is due to the fact that sleep deprivation increases the hunger hormone ghrelin and decreases the fullness hormone leptin. Adults require a minimum of 7–8 hours of sleep per night, according to scientific study.

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