Recognize Significant Peripheral Arterial Disease Symptoms

Peripheral arterial disease, abbreviated PAD, is a frequent kind of cardiovascular disease caused by constricted arteries. In the event of PAD, the patient’s legs do not receive sufficient blood flow, resulting in pain when walking or taking steps. The development of plaque in the arteries is what causes peripheral arterial disease. While the plaque first seems to be waxy, it eventually hardens within the artery walls, preventing blood from flowing normally to the legs. We’ll discuss the most prevalent symptoms of PAD in this piece, as well as when you should consult a doctor.


Patients with atherosclerosis, another term for PAD, frequently have pain in their legs, particularly when walking. The pain appears to be more noticeable when one is walking quickly and subsides when one rests. The discomfort is typically felt in the legs, although it can also be felt in the feet, buttocks, and thighs in certain situations. Significant numbness in the feet is possible, as is the sensation of one leg being cooler than the other. Numerous patients have reported of persistent sores on their feet and legs, as well as a change in the color of their legs. Additional symptoms include hair loss on the legs. Patients with both PAD and diabetes may exhibit additional symptoms, however men may experience erectile dysfunction in such circumstances.

Do not postpone your examination

If you have any of these symptoms, you should immediately contact a healthcare professional. Males and females over the age of 50 should get a PAD screening. While there are other tests available for this purpose, the Quantaflo Test is often regarded as the most reliable and straightforward. Individuals with diabetes, high blood sugar, or hypertension should exercise greater caution and consider testing at least every couple of years.

The good news is that peripheral arterial disease is curable. Apart from medication, a few lifestyle modifications may be beneficial. Tobacco cessation is one of the several recommendations made by physicians, while exercise and diet are equally critical for fat individuals. As previously said, certain individuals may get leg sores, which is more prevalent in patients with diabetes. The term “critical limb ischemia” refers to this situation. Patients with diabetes should always maintain a healthy blood sugar level.

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